Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jumping In

I love cooking, I am passionate about it.  I believe that you can show someone how much you love them by cooking for them.  I just wish I would have realized this passion when I was in high school, so instead of wasting 3 years in college not knowing what I wanted to do, I could have gone to culinary school.  But I didn't know it was my passion till I was on my own and cooking for myself.  You see my mom cooked so I really had no clue I would love it as much as I do.  I really started cooking when I was dating my husband.  I have 3 kids that I want to grow up knowing what a home cooked meal is, not take out all the time.  Don't get me wrong we still do takeout every once in a while, but its just not the same as a home cooked meal.  Even at the end of a VERY stressful day I want to cook, it relaxes me.  So here is my new blog, devoted to just cooking.  I am keeping my other blog, but it will be used for everything else.  I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy sharing. 

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